Mark Swislocki

NYU Abu Dhabi


Mark Swislocki specializes in the history of China. His current research focuses on the environmental history of Southwest China. He is the author of Culinary Nostalgia: Regional Food Culture and the Urban Experience in Shanghai (Stanford, 2009) and articles on the history of nutrition, critical animal studies, and the environment, including “Seeing the Forest for the Village, Nation, and Province: Forestry Policy and Environmental Management in Early-Twentieth-Century Yunnan” (Twentieth-Century China, 39.3: 195-215, October 2014). He is co-PI of “Diverse Cities: A Digitally Networked Urban Food Lab for North-South Collaboration on Sustainable Urban Food Policy, Advocacy, and Representation (with Krishnendu Ray, NYU New York and Anna Greenspan, NYU Shanghai), awarded an NYU Global Seed Grant for 2016–2018.



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