
Title: “《Yùtáo Lǐ: Cháoxiǎn Nánpǔ Shì Lónggāng Jùn Yùtáo Lǐ yīdài lìshǐ yíjī》yī shū chūbǎn――Cháoxiǎn jìngnèi Gāojùlì yíjī diàochá chéngguǒ zhī yī” (The Publication of Okto-ri: Historical Ruins along Okto-ri, Ryonggang County, Nampo City, North Korea: An Accomplishment of the Research on the Gaogouli County Cultural Remains in Norther Korea

Author(s): Zheng Jingri; 郑京日;

Journal: Dōng Jiāng Xué Kān 东疆学刊 (Dongjiang Journal)

ISSN: 1002-2007

Year: 2017

Volume: 34

Issue: 4

Page(s): 62