
Title: “Cóng zhōngguó shìshí kàn “dōngfāng zhuānzhì lùn” de xiàndù――jiān duì Marx Engels yǒuguān dōngfāng zhèngzhì lùnduàn de binxī yǔ bǔng” (Examining the Limitations of “Oriental Despotism” on the Basis of Chinese Facts: Analysis and Supplement of Marx and Engels’ Argument about Oriental Politics)

Author(s): Xu Yong; 徐勇;

Journal: Zhèngzhì Xué Yánjiū 政治学研究 (CASS Journal of Political Science)

ISSN: 1000-3355

Year: 2017


Issue: 4

Page(s): 15-22+125