
Title: “Tāzhě” shēnfèn de shèhuìxìng jiàn’gòu yǔ zhǔtǐxìng chóngjiàn―jīyú Yùběi Lín Cūn Yuènán jí xífù rìcháng shēnghuó shíjiàn de jiědú  (The Social Construction and Subjective Reconstruction of “The Other”: Based on an Analysis of the Lives of Vietnamese Daughters-in-law in Lin Village in Northern Henan)#

Author(s): Wang Xin, Cao Jinqing 王欣; 曹锦清

Journal: Fùnǚ Yánjiū Lùncóng 妇女研究论丛 (Collection of Women’s Studies)

ISSN: 1004-2563

Year: 2016

Issue: 5

Page(s): 48-56+78