
Title: Sòng Jìn Qīng Chéngxiàng Shū niándài wèntí zài jiǎntǎo—jiāntán Meng-Lì jiāowǎngzhōng bì dū chì de dìwèi yǔ yǐngxiǎng (A Further Study on the Time of the “Letters to Chancellor Jinqing” and the Role and Influence of Biciheci in the Communication between Mongol and Goryeo)#

Author(s): Liu Xiao 刘晓;

Journal: Mínzú Yánjiū 民族研究 (Ethno-National Studies)

ISSN: 0256-1891

Year: 2016


Issue: 4

Page(s): 79-87+124-125