
Title: Yījiǔsānbā nián de wǔhàn kōngxí gōngfáng zhàn――yǐ 《Shēnbào》(hànkǒu bǎn) bàodào wèi shìjiǎo (The Attack and Defense War of Wuhan Air Raid in 1938: From the Perspective of the Report of Shen Pao (Hankou Edition))

Author(s): Shu Lei 舒磊;

Journal: Dǎng Shǐ Yánjiū Yǔ Jiàoxué 党史研究与教学 (CPC History Research and Teaching)

ISSN: 1003-708X

Year: 2017


Issue: 4

Page(s): 23-30