
Title: Yī wèi zhōngguó xuézhě yǎnzhōng de èluósī hànxué shǐ――píng lǐmíngbīnzhe 《èluósī Hànxué Shǐ》 (The History of Russian Sinology in the Eyes of a Chinese Scholar: Review of The History of Russian Sinology by Li Mingbin)#

Author(s): Alexei Yang, Gorbu Nova, Chen Rui 阿列克萨尼杨;戈尔布诺娃;陈蕊;

Journal: Guójì Hànxué 国际汉学 (International Sinology)

ISSN: 2095-9257

Year: 2017


Issue: 4

Page(s): 176-182