
Title: Qīqī Shìbiàn hòu Zhōng Rì liǎng guó zài guójì wǔtái shàng de wàijiāo bóyì――yǐ 1937 nián Jiǔguógōngyuē Huìyì wéi zhōngxīn (The Diplomatic Game between China and Japan on the International Stage after the July 7th Incident: Focusing on the 1937 Nine-Nation Convention Conference)

Author(s): Zhao Xiaohong, Wang Qian 赵晓红;王倩;

Journal: Dǎngshǐ Yánjiū Yǔ Jiàoxué 党史研究与教学 (CPC History Research and Teaching)

ISSN: 1003-708X

Year: 2017


Issue: 4

Page(s): 44522