
Title: Dōngjīng shěnpàn qīnlüè zhànzhēng zérèn zhuījiù zhōng de zhìdù luójí-yǐ Huāngmù Zhēnfū shěnpàn wéi zhōngxīn (The Systematic Logic of the Aggression Responsibility on the Expansion of the September 18th Incident-Araki Sado’s Case in the Tokyo Trail as an Example)#

Author(s): Zou Haodan 邹皓丹;

Journal: Jìnán Xuébào (Zhéxué Shèhuì Kēxuébǎn) 暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) (Jinan Journal(Philosophy & Social Science Edition))

ISSN: 1000-5072

Year: 2016

Volume: 38

Issue: 8

Page(s): 27-40+129