
Title: Liǎngmiàn jiéméng xiànxiàng de zài sīkǎo-jiān píng méngguó de dírén háishì méngguó?-Gǔdài Cháoxiǎn Bàndǎo guójiā “liǎngmiàn jiéméng” zhī mí (Rethinking the Two-Sided Alliance: A Review of “Is the Enemy of My Ally also an Ally? The Mystery of ‘Two-Sided Alliances’ on the Korean Peninsula in Ancient Times”)#

Author(s): Zhou Fangyin, Wang Xutong 周方银; 王旭彤;

Journal: Dāngdài Yà-Tài 当代亚太 (Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies)

ISSN: 1007-161X

Year: 2016


Issue: 4

Page(s): 25-43+153