
Title: Zhōnggǔ shíqí Ménggǔ rén de lìng yī zhǒng zǔxiān méngnàn xùshì――“qī wèi xìngmiǎn yú nán de tuōxiǎn zhě” chuánshuō jiěxī (An Alternative Narative on the Escape of Ancestors of the Mongols in Middle Antiquity: An Analy-sis of the Tradition of the “Seven Survivors”)#

Author(s): Zhong Han 钟焓;

Journal: Lìshǐ Yánjiū 历史研究 (Historical Research)

ISSN: 0459-1909

Year: 2016


Issue: 3

Page(s): 59-76+189