
Title: Zhōng-Hán xiàndài wénxué qǐbù jiēduàn chuántǒng yìyáng yǔ wàiyīn jiēshòu ―Yǐ Lǔ Xùn yǔ Chūn Yuán de wénxué chuàngzuò bǐjiào wéi zhōngxīn (On the Role of Tradition and Influence at the Early Stage of Modern Chinese and Korean Literature: A Comparative Study of Lu Xun and Chuon Woun)#

Author(s): Quan Helü 权赫律;

Journal: Jílín Dàxué Shèhuì Kēxué Xuébào 吉林大学社会科学学报 (Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition)

ISSN: 0257-2834

Year: 2016

Volume: 56

Issue: 5

Page(s): 156-163+191-192