
Title: Èrshí shìjì sānsìshí niándài Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng jiějué mínzú wèntí de sīlù jí qí dāngdài yìyì-guānyú chángzhēng jí Yán’ān shīqí Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng mínzú lǐlùn fāzhǎn de yánjiū (The Ideas and Contemporary Significance of the CPC’s Solution for Nationality Issues in the 1930s and 1940s)#

Author(s): Hua Tao 华涛;

Journal: Mínzú Yánjiū 民族研究 (Ethno-National Studies)

ISSN: 0256-1891

Year: 2016


Issue: 5

Page(s): 1-9+123