
Title: Rénwù juésè zhuǎnhuàn yǔ shǐshī biàn tǐ de shēngchéng――yǐ “hànqīng gé lè” shǐshī zhōng méng yì wén wéi lì (The Change of Characters and the Formation of Epic Variants: An Example from the Changs in Chinese and Mongolian in the Piece Khan Tsingler)

Author(s): Siqin Batu 斯钦巴图;

Journal: Mínzú Wénxué Yánjiū 民族文学研究 (Studies of Ethnic Literature)

ISSN: 1002-9559

Year: 2016

Volume: 34

Issue: 4

Page(s): 141-149