
Title: Cóng biànyìxué shìjiǎo kǎochá Rìběn Jiānghù wénxué yǔ “sān yán” de shēncéng liánxì―yǐ Mèng Yīng Lǐyú, Shé Xìng zhī Yín wéi lì (Investigating the Deep Connection between Japanese Edo Literature and “Three Words” from the Perspective of Variability: A Case Study on “Yume no ika” and “hebi no sekkusu”)

Author(s): Ōu Jing 欧婧;

Journal: Míngqīng Xiǎoshuō Yánjiū 明清小说研究 (Journal of Ming-Qing Fiction Studies)

ISSN: 1004-3330

Year: 2016


Issue: 2

Page(s): 194-203