
Title: Cóng Ān Wénsī (Gabriel de Magalhaes) yǔ Tāng Ruòwàng (Johann Adam Schall von Bell) zhī jiān de ēnyuàn lùnshuō Míng gōngtíng Yēsū huì shì (To Illustrate the Jesuits at China’s Imperial Court from the Perspective of Personal Animosity between Gabriel de Magalhaes and Johann Adam Schall von Bell)#

Author(s): Xia Bojia 夏伯嘉;

Journal: Běijīng Xíngzhèng Xuéyuàn Xuébào 北京行政学院学报 (Journal of Beijing Administration Institute)

ISSN: 1008-7621

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 116-122