
Title: Cóng rìjì kàn Jiǎng Jièshí chǔlǐ “wǔlì jiǎo gòng” yǔ “jūnshì kàng-Rì” guānxì de xīnlù lìchéng-yǐ jiǔyībā shìbiàn wéi zhōngxīn de kǎochá (Analyzing Chiang Kai-shek’s Mental Process of Managing the Relationship between Wiping Out the Communist Party and Resisting Japanese Invasion Based on His Diary)#

Author(s): Hong Lan 洪岚;

Journal: Huánán Shīfàn Dàxué Xuébào (Shèhuì Kēxuébǎn) 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版) (Journal of South China Normal University(Social Science Edition))

ISSN: 1000-5455

Year: 2016


Issue: 2

Page(s): 175-179+192