
Title: Cóng “jījìn gémìng” dào “qǐdòng xiàndàihuà”―Dōngnányà lěngzhàn shìyùxià de Yìnní wàijiāo zhèngcè zhuǎnbiàn tàn wēi (1963-1969) (From “Radical Revolution” to “Launching of Modernization”: An Analysis of the Transition of Indonesian Foreign Policy under the Perspective of Cold War in Southeast Asia)#

Author(s): Sun Liping 孙丽萍;

Journal: Shǐxué Jíkān 史学集刊 (Collected Papers of History Studies)

ISSN: 0559-8095

Year: 2016


Issue: 4

Page(s): 91-100