
Title: “Cóng yìshù, zōngjiào dào lìshǐ――zhōngguó zhuàngzú “mò lún” yǔ tàiguó lǎo zú “mó lán” yìshù de bǐjiào yánjiū” (From Art, Religion to History: A Comparative Study of the “Moedlaenz” Art of the Zhuang Ethnicity in China and the “Morlam” Art of the Lao Ethnic Group of Thailand)

Author(s): Lu Xiaoqin; Liao Hanbo; 陆晓芹;廖汉波;

Journal: Mínzú Yìshù 民族艺术 (National Arts)

ISSN: 1003-2568

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 122-128