
Title: Chuánbò de yìshù: Zhōng-Měi bǐyù shuōfú de luójí jiānjù (The Art of Communication: The Logical Distance between Chinese and American Metaphorical Persuasion)

Author(s): Lin Shengdong, Liu Xia, Lu Jiaoyan 林升栋;刘霞;吕娇燕;

Journal: Xiàndài Chuánbò (zhōngguó Chuánméi Dàxué Xuébào) 现代传播(中国传媒大学学报) (Modern Communication(Journal of Communication University of China))

ISSN: 1007-8770

Year: 2017

Volume: 39

Issue: 8

Page(s): 74-80