
Title: “Zuòwéi xiàndài guójiā shǒuduàn de shìchǎng yǔ chuántǒng: zhōng, yìn jīngdiǎn wénběn yǐngshì jù bǐjiào yánjiū” (Market and Traditional Cultural as the Means of Modern Nation:a Comparative Study of the Remaking of Classical Texts in Movies and TV plays in China and India)#

Author(s): Liu Jing; 刘静;

Journal: huádōng lǐgōng dàxué xuébào (shèhuì kēxué bǎn) 华东理工大学学报(社会科学版) (Journal of East China University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition))

ISSN: 1008-7672

Year: 2017

Volume: 32

Issue: 4

Page(s): 42-51+64