
Title: “Xiānfēng wénxué de sīcháo kǎo biàn yǔ xīn lìshǐ zhǔyì de pīpíng shíjiàn――jiān tán zhāngqīnghuá de xùshìshī xué yǔ wénxué shǐ gòujiàn” (The Ideological Trend of Avant-garde Literature and the Critical Practice of New Historicism – Also on Zhang Qinghua’s Narrative Poetics and Construction of Literary History)

Author(s): Cao Xia; 曹霞;

Journal: Dāngdài Zuòjiā Pínglùn 当代作家评论 (Contemporary Writers Review)

ISSN: 1002-1809

Year: 2017


Issue: 6

Page(s): 17-24