
Title: Lěngzhàn hòu Rì-Měi tóngméng tiáozhěng guòchéng zhōng de zhǔdǎozhě-jīyú duōchóng ànlì de yánjiū (The Role of Guide in the Process of Japan-U.S. Alliance Adjustment after the Cold War: Research Based on Multiple Cases)#

Author(s): Sun Xun; Han Lüe孙逊; 韩略;

Journal: Nánjīng Zhèngzhì Xuéyuàn Xuébào 南京政治学院学报 (Journal of PLA Nanjing Institute of Politics)

ISSN: 1001-9774

Year: 2016

Volume: 32

Issue: 6

Page(s): 88-94+152