
Title: Lěngzhàn hòu Tàiguó hé Mǎláixīyà duì guójì xiédìng de zhíxínglì tànxī-jīyú AIA xiédìng hé CEPT xiédìng de fēnxī (A Probe on the Execution of International Agreement in Thailand and Malaysia after the Cold War: Based on the Analysis of AIA and CEPT)#

Author(s): Zhu Xinguang, Ma Chao, Zou Yi 朱新光; 马超; 邹易;

Journal: Tàipíngyáng Xuébào 太平洋学报 (Pacific Journal)

ISSN: 1004-8049

Year: 2016

Volume: 24

Issue: 8

Page(s): 77-85