
Title: “Yǒuqíng” yǔ “wénzhàn”―Rì-Hán xuézhě zài Yànxíng Lù, tōngxìnshǐ bǐtán yánjiū zhōng de zhēnglùn jiāodiǎn ( “Friendship” and “Scholastic Bombardments”: The Focus of Arguments among Japanese and Korean Scholars on the Research of Yan xing lu ( “燕行录”) and the Records of Diplomatic Messengers’ Conversation by Writing)#

Author(s): Huang Puji 黄普基;

Journal: Shǐ Lín 史林 (Historical Review)

ISSN: 1007-1873

Year: 2016


Issue: 2

Page(s): 211-218+222