
Title: Tóngyuán yìliú :gǔdài Zhōngguó xiǎoshuō hé xìqǔ de Yìndù shòuróng ――yǐ “xiēzǐ ―zhèngwén ”jiégòu wéi gèàn de kǎochá (The Acceptation of Indian Culture as the Same Source by Ancient Chinese Opera and Novel: A Case Study of the Wedge-Text Structure)#

Author(s): Zhang Tongsheng 张同胜;

Journal: Zhōngguó Bǐjiào Wénxué 中国比较文学 (Comparative Literature in China)

ISSN: 1006-6101

Year: 2016


Issue: 1

Page(s): 84-96