
Title: Guójì xìng yǔ zhǔtǐ xìng: Zhōng-Rì chōngtú hé guójì liánméng diàochá tuán de chǎnshēng (Internationalism and Subjectitvity: The Sino-Japanese Conflict and the Origin of the Commission of the League of Nations)

Author(s): Chen Haiyi, Guo Zhaozhao 陈海懿;郭昭昭;

Journal: Kàngrì Zhànzhēng Yánjiū 抗日战争研究 (The Journal of Studies of China’s Resistance War Against Japan)

ISSN: 1002-9575

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 58-74+159-160