
Title: Shěnshì shídài de dòngchá lì yǔ nèixīn shìjiè de shēndù zhàomíng―Hánguó xiàndài zuòjiā Lián Shàngxiè de zhímíndì xiǎoshuō chuàngzuò lùn (A Critique of the Colonization Novels of Yom Sang-seop: Insight into the Era and Reflection of the Inner World)#

Author(s): Hong Tingshan, Quan Helü 洪廷善; 权赫律;

Journal: Jílín Dàxué Shèhuì Kēxué Xuébào 吉林大学社会科学学报 (Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition)

ISSN: 0257-2834

Year: 2016

Volume: 56

Issue: 5

Page(s): 146-155+191