
Title: Shùmín xuépài: Fēi xīfāng shǐxué xīnfànshì de gòujiàn-jiān jí hòu zhímín shǐxué yǔ quánqiúshǐ guānxì lùn xī (The School of the Common People: The Construction of a Non-Western History New Paradigm, with an Analysis on the Relationship between Post-Colonialism History and Global History)

Author(s): Deng Huan 邓欢;

Journal: Tiānjīn Shèhuì Kēxué 天津社会科学 (Tianjin Social Sciences)

ISSN: 1002-3976

Year: 2016


Issue: 2

Page(s): 154-160