
Title: Chéng shèng lùjìng nèi huà de zhōngxī chāyì――yǐ Mǎdīng(Martin Luther) Lùdé de yīn xìn chēng yì yǔ Wáng Yángmíng de zhì liángzhī wéi lì (The Differences Between China and the West in the Internalization of the Path of Sanctification: Taking Martin Luther’s Justification by Faith Alone and Wang Yangming’s Conscience as an Example)

Author(s): Liu Guangshun 刘光顺;

Journal: Zōngjiào Xué Yánjiū 宗教学研究 (Religious Studies)

ISSN: 1006-1312

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 244-251