
Title: Wǒguó gōngzhòng xīnmù zhōng de línguó xíngxiàng jí qí yǐngxiǎng yīnsù yánjiū―jīyú liǎng lún quánguóxìng mínyì diàochá (2014-2015) (The Image of Neighboring Countries in the Eyes of the Chinese Public and Influencing Factors: A Study Based on Two Rounds of National Polls (2014-2015))#

Author(s): Zhang Kun, Cui Ruyuan 张昆; 崔汝源;

Journal: Xīnwén yǔ Chuánbō Yánjiū 新闻与传播研究 (Journalism & Communication)

ISSN: 1005-2577

Year: 2016

Volume: 23

Issue: 10

Page(s): 104-125+128