
Title: Wé yì wénxiàn wénxué :Éluósī jìshí wénxué de jìchéng yǔ fāzhǎn―yǐ Qie’ěrnuòbèilì de Qídǎo: Wèlái Jìshì Wéilì (Documentary Fiction Literature as Inheritance and Development of Russian Documentary Literature: A Case Study of Alexievich’s Voices from Chernobyl: the Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster)#

Author(s): Du Xiaomei, Wang Yamin 杜晓梅; 王亚民;

Journal: Éluósī Yánjiū 俄罗斯研究 (Russian Studies)

ISSN: 1009-721X

Year: 2016


Issue: 6

Page(s): 149-167