
Title: Rìběn qīn huá bàoxíng de yòu yī tiězhèng――píng yuèfēng děng biānzhù 《Yélǔ Dàxué Túshū Guǎn Guǎncáng Rìběn Qīn Huá Zhànzhēng Zhēnxī Dǎng’àn Huìbiān Yǔ Fānyì》 (Another Strong Proof of the Atrocities Committed by Japananese During its Invasion of China – A Review of the “Compilation and Translation of Archives of Yale University Library Related to Japanese Invasion of China” Edited by Yue Feng et al.)

Author(s): Xie Bizhen 谢必震;

Journal: Kàngrì Zhànzhēng Yánjiū 抗日战争研究 (The Journal of Studies of China’s Resistance War Against Japan)

ISSN: 1002-9575

Year: 2017


Issue: 2

Page(s): 145-147