
Title: Rìběn zhímíndì chābié jiàoyù de lìshǐ kǎojiu yǔ xiànshí sīkǎo――yǐ guāndōng zhōu zhímín jiàoyù de shíshī wéi lì (The Historical Examination and Realistic Thinking of Differential Education in Japanese Colonies: Taking the Implementation of Colonial Education in Kanto Prefecture as an Example)

Author(s): Zhu Wenfu, Liu Shuangxi 朱文富;刘双喜;

Journal: Zhǎngbái Xué Kān 长白学刊 (Changbai Journal)

ISSN: 1003-5478

Year: 2017


Issue: 1

Page(s): 102-108