
Title: Rì cáng Míng-Qīng gǔqín wénxiàn diàochá bàogào―Qīng Hú Qín Pǔ yǔ liǎng zhǒng Qín Jīng (The Report on the Text Contributions Collected by Japan on the Ancient Chinese Zithers during the Ming and Qing Dynasties: Qing Lake Zither Scores and Two Kinds of Zither Sutra)

Author(s): Niaogubu Hui yan 鸟谷部辉彦;

Journal: Zhōngguó Yīnyuèxué 中国音乐学 (Musicology in China)

ISSN: 1003-0042

Year: 2016


Issue: 3

Page(s): 89-104