
Title: Cháoxiǎn jiātínglèi Hànwén xiǎoshuōzhōng de Rújiā lúnlǐ jíqí lǐxué bèijǐng―yǐ Xiè shì Nán Zhēng Jì, Zhāng Shàn Gǎn Yì Lù, Yù Lín Mèng wéi zhōngxīn (Confucian Ethics and Its Etiquette Background in Korean Family Chinese Novels: Focusing on “Record of Lady Sa’s Southward Journey”, “Akira and Sentimental Yilu” and “Yulin Dream”)

Author(s): Sun Meng 孙萌;

Journal: Míngqīng Xiǎoshuō Yánjiū 明清小说研究 (Journal of Ming-Qing Fiction Studies)

ISSN: 1004-3330

Year: 2016


Issue: 3

Page(s): 205-217