
Title: Ōuyáng Xiū yǔ Cháoxiǎncháo Zhèngzǔ “Wéntǐ Fǎnzhèng” yùndòng―yǐ Zhèngzǔ yǔ guǎn gé wénrén de jiēshòu qíngkuàng wéi zhǔ (Ouyang Xiu and Jeongjo of Joseon’s “Literary Redress” Movement: Mainly on the Reception of the Jeongjo of Joseon and Pavilion Scholars)

Author(s): Jin Chunlan, Wang Qidong 金春兰;王启东;

Journal: Dōngjiāng Xuékān 东疆学刊 (Dongjiang Journal)

ISSN: 1002-2007

Year: 2016

Volume: 33

Issue: 3

Page(s): 85-89