
Title: “Goethe shīgē de fù yì yǔ mínguó yì zhě duì xīnshī de tànsuǒ――Xú Zhìmó 《Zhēng Yì Shī Qǐ》 bèihòu de xīnjiù shī zhī zhēng” (The Retranslation of Goethe Poetry and the Exploration of New Poetry by the Translators in the Republic of China – The Controversy between New and Old Poems in Xu Zhimo’s Zhengyi Shiqi)

Author(s): Tan Yuan; Liu Qiong; 谭渊;刘琼;

Journal: jiěfàngjūn wàiguóyǔ xuéyuàn xuébào 解放军外国语学院学报 (Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages)

ISSN: 1002-722X

Year: 2017

Volume: 40

Issue: 3

Page(s): 121-128