
Title: Hàn-Rì duìbǐ yánjiū de qiányán: Lǐlùn yǔ fāngfǎ-Dì-qī jiè Hàn-Rì duìbǐ yǔyánxué yántǎohuì zōngshù (The Forefront of Sino-Japanese Comparative Study: Theories and Methods: Summary on the 7th Symposium on Sino-Japanese Comparative Linguistics)

Author(s): Sheng Wenzhong 盛文忠;

Journal: Wàiguóyǔ (Shànghǎi Wàiguóyǔ Dàxué Xuébào) 外国语(上海外国语大学学报) (Journal of Foreign Languages)

ISSN: 1004-5139

Year: 2016

Volume: 39

Issue: 4

Page(s): 110-112