
Title: “Qiǎn xī sūlián móshì duì xīn zhōngguó diāosù jiàoxué de yǐngxiǎng――píng 《Sūlián Diāosù Jiàoyù Móshì Yǔ Xīn Zhōngguó Diāosù jioyù》” (An Analysis on the Influence of the Soviet Union Model on Sculpture Education in the PRC: Comment on Soviet Union Sculpture Education Model and PRC’s Sculpture Education)

Author(s): Li Ji; 李季;

Journal: Jiāngxī Shèhuì Kēxué 江西社会科学 (Jiangxi Social Sciences)

ISSN: 1004-518X

Year: 2017

Volume: 37

Issue: 11

Page(s): 261