
Title: Hǎiwài qiáo jiè duì “Wǔsì” yùndòng de xiǎngyìng jí qí yìyì――jīyú “sān gè zhōngxīn” de fēnxī (The Response of Overseas Chinese to the May 4th Movement and Its Significance—— An Analysis Based on the “Three Centers”)#

Author(s): Tong Feng, Xia Quan, Cao Yifan 童锋;夏泉;曹艺凡;

Journal: Huáqiáo Huárén Lìshǐ Yánjiū 华侨华人历史研究 (Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies)

ISSN: 1002-5162

Year: 2017


Issue: 4

Page(s): 84-91