
Title: Qīngdài Yìn-Záng biānjiāng de yú dìxué huà yǔ yǔ zhèngzhì yíchǎn――píng Mǎ Shìjiā (Matthew W. Mosca) 《Cóng Biān Zhèng Dào Wàijiāo: Yìndù Wèntí Yǔ Qīngdài Dìyuán Zhèngzhì Xué de Zhuǎnbiàn》 (Discourses of Geography and Political Heritage of the India-Tibet Border during the Qing Dynasty:A Review of Matthew W.Mosca’s From Frontier Policy to Foreign Policy:The Question of India and the Transformation of Geopolitics in Qing China)#

Author(s): An Qi, Gong Weijun 安琪;公维军;

Journal: Nányà Yánjiū 南亚研究 (South Asian Studies)

ISSN: 1002-8404

Year: 2017


Issue: 3

Page(s): 135-149+156