
Title: Rè huàtí yǔ lěng sīkǎo――guānyú zīběn zhǔyì xīn tàishì jí qí duì zhìlǐ de tiǎozhàn de duìhuà (Hot Topics and Calm Thoughts: The Dialogue on the New Conditions of Capitalism and the Challenge of Its Countermeasures)

Author(s): Su Zhanghe, Peng Pingping 苏长和;彭萍萍;

Journal: Dāngdài Shìjiè yǔ Shèhuì Zhǔyì 当代世界与社会主义 (Contemporary World and Socialism)

ISSN: 1005-6505

Year: 2016


Issue: 6

Page(s): 43199