
Title: Fúlì guójiā shèhuì zhìlǐ móshì de shàngcéng jiànzhú yánjiū――jīyú Yīngguó shèhuì zhìlǐ lǐniàn、 jīzhì yǔ jīngyàn de fēnxī (Research on the Superstructure of Social Governance Models in the Welfare State: Based on the Analysis of British Social Governance Ideas, Mechanisms and Experience)

Author(s): Li Quanli 李全利;

Journal: Húběi Shèhuì Kēxué 湖北社会科学 (Hubei Social Sciences)

ISSN: 1003-8477

Year: 2017


Issue: 8

Page(s): 54-61