
Title: Yímín yǔ huíliú :jìn shí yú nián Àodàlìyà Huárén yǔ Yìndùrén kuàguó rénkǒu qiānyí bǐjiào yánjiū ―Guójì rénlìzīyuán jìngzhēng de shìjiǎo (Immigrants and Migration Return: A Comparative Study of Population Migration of Chinese and Indian Immigrants to Australia during Last Decade, from the Perspective of International HR Competition)#

Author(s): Yan Ting 颜廷;

Journal: Nányà Yánjiū 南亚研究 (South Asian Studies)

ISSN: 1002-8404

Year: 2016


Issue: 1

Page(s): 123-146+150-151