
Title: “Lèixíng wénxué zài měiguó de yì jiè yǔ chuánbò yánjiū: yǐ 《Sān Tǐ。 wéi lì” (A Study of the Translation and Transmission of Type Literature in the United States: Taking the Three Body Problem as an Example)

Author(s): Chen Fangrong; 陈芳蓉;

Journal: zhèjiāng shīfàn dàxué xuébào (shèhuì kēxué bǎn) 浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版) (Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences))

ISSN: 1001-5035

Year: 2017

Volume: 42

Issue: 3

Page(s): 96-102