
Title: “Měiguó duì nánhǎi zhū dǎo guīshǔ wèntí de kǎoliáng yǔ xíngdòng (1943―1951)――jiān lùn měiguó duì nánhǎi zhēngduān zhèngcè de xíngchéng” (Policy and Action of the United States Regarding the Affiliation of the Islands in China South Sea(1943—1951))#

Author(s): Li Guang; 栗广;

Journal: Jìndài Shǐ Yánjiū 近代史研究 (Modern Chinese History Studies)

ISSN: 1001-6708

Year: 2017


Issue: 2

Page(s): 24-33+160