
Title: Yēsū huì shì bǐxià miáohuì de qīng dài kāng gān shíqí zhōngguó shèhuì rénkǒu zhuàngkuàng――《Zhōngguó Tōng Diǎn》 xuǎn yì (The Situation of Chinese Society and Population Depicted by the Jesuits During the Kangxi Period in the Qing Dynasty – Selected Translations of Description générale de la Chine)

Author(s): Ge Luxian, Zhang Fang 格鲁贤;张放;

Journal: Guójì Hànxué 国际汉学 (International Sinology)

ISSN: 2095-9257

Year: 2017


Issue: 1

Page(s): 58-64