
Title: Hú Yùjìn 《Xù Xiū Sì Kù Quánshū Zǒng Mù Tíyào》 xiū zhuàn kǎo shù——yǐ Rìběn wàiwùshěng dǎng’àn wéi zhōngxīn (A Research on Revision and Compilation of the Summary of the Complete Book of Siku Quanshu (the Complete Library in Four Sections) by Hu Yujin: Focusing on the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

Author(s): Hua Zhe 华喆;

Journal: Wénxiàn 文献 (The Documentation)

ISSN: 1000-0437

Year: 2017


Issue: 5

Page(s): 178-189