
Title: Leibniz wùzhí wúxiàn kě fēn sīxiǎng de xuéshù bèijǐng yǔ zhéxué yìyì――jiān lùn wǒguó gǔdài xuézhě huì shī děng rén “chǐ chuí” zhī biàn de běntǐ lùn yìyì (On the Academic Background and the Philosophical Significances of Leibniz’s Thoughts:The Ontological Significances of the Debate about One Foot of Whip in Ancient China)#

Author(s): Duan Dezhi 段德智;

Journal: Wǔhàn Dàxué Xuébào (rénwén Kēxué Bǎn) 武汉大学学报(人文科学版) (Wuhan University Journal(Arts & Humanity))

ISSN: 1671-881X

Year: 2017

Volume: 70

Issue: 2

Page(s): 43-48